Our courses help drown out the noise

Anxiety hinders good decision-making by reducing the brain’s capacity to screen out distractions.

These distractions could be physical or take the form of thoughts and worries. The simplest of choices then become difficult and we can become forgetful and distracted. Our courses will help you drown out the noise created by stress and trauma.

Stop, breathe, think, focus!!!!

Untangled Spaghetti courses
Untangled Spaghetti inputs and outcomes

Inputs and outcomes

As with many things in life, you will get out of your coaching sessions what you put into it.

As your coach, I will give you the motivation and the accountability to act.

Together we will navigate around what has been blocking you from making changes to live the life you deserve.

The outcome of your coaching journey very much depends on what you put into it.

Come on – you can do this, and you deserve this!!!!

Untangled Spaghetti time for clarity

Time for Clarity

This course is for you if you want to create some space to stop and take a deep breath and gain some perspective on where you are and where you want to be.



An initial getting to know you call followed by 6 sessions.

These sessions can be weekly or fortnightly depending on your preference.

What to expect


During the sessions we shall carry out an assessment process and dive deep into one area of your life. This will be the area we have identified as having the biggest impact on your satisfaction and happiness levels.

This course will allow you to reboot all your systems and give you clarity on what is most important to you at this stage of your life.

Ongoing support


This course can be extended into a 10-session course if you feel at the conclusion, you are now ready for further challenges. Alternatively, some clients may prefer a period of reflection to assess what impact the coaching has made before taking any next steps.

This course is available via zoom or face-to-face.

If you’d like more information or to make a booking, we’d love to hear from you.

Untangled moving on with attitude

Moving on with Attitude!

This course will assess where you are in two or three key areas of your life right now and also what your ten out of ten life would look like.



An initial getting to know you call followed by 10 sessions. These sessions can be weekly or fortnightly depending on the client’s preference.

What to expect


A coaching plan will be developed to take you from where you are to where you want to be in the areas which we have chosen to work on together. This will be done whilst carrying out continual assessment on other areas of your life to ensure that there is no adverse impact on them from the coaching plan. This is an intensive course, and the sessions can be weekly or fortnightly.

Best results tend to come from fortnightly interactions due to the commitment needed to get the best out of this course, but you may prefer weekly and that is fine!! Just be prepared to put the work in to get the best end results!!!!

This course is available via zoom or face-to-face.

If you’d like more information or to make a booking, we’d love to hear from you.

Untangled Spaghetti weekly or fortnightly coaching

Weekly or Fortnightly

Some clients may not feel ready to commit to a 6 or 10 session course and would prefer to manage their coaching at their own pace and that is all good!



Some may be a little sceptical about the value coaching will add to their life. We understand that and know you won’t be disappointed, so single sessions are available via Zoom.

What to expect


Each session is followed up with an email detailing what was discussed at the session and any actions identified. The session also includes a follow up support phone call or email exchange. There is a minimum requirement of a commitment to two sessions to ensure that real value is gained. We need to spend this time together for us to get to know one another where you are and where you want to go! I can then walk alongside you on your coaching journey to support you in a way that is best for you.

This course is available via zoom or face-to-face.

If you’d like more information or to make a booking, we’d love to hear from you.

Untangled Spaghetti professional mentoring

Professional Mentoring

This is aimed at those who are taking up a new role or would like to maximise their performance in a current role.



One to one mentoring is available in the workplace or via Zoom.

What to expect


The mentee will benefit from support and guidance on how to engage staff and colleagues in any new ideas or changes in practice whilst ensuring that work/life balance is not impacted. The mentee will also benefit from some personal coaching. Research has shown that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if provided with support, learning and development, 67% of businesses seen an improvement in productivity due to mentoring and 55% reported that mentoring had a positive impact on profits!!!

This course is available via zoom or face-to-face.

If you’d like more information or to make a booking, we’d love to hear from you.


Let’s untangle your spaghetti together!

Whether you’re raring to go or a little sceptical, we’d love to hear from you and discuss the value of adding life coaching to your life.

Get in touch
Lets untangle your spaghetti together