Hi, I’m Helen Pasquale, a life coach based in Scotland.

Following my retirement from 30 years’ service in the police, I felt compelled to continue to serve and help others.

This is my story so far...

Untangled Spaghetti about us
Untangled Spaghetti about Helen

I am a mother to three precious moppets and I have been with my long-suffering husband since we met in 1989 who puts up with/chooses to ignore/supports me in all my crazy ideas (whichever is the most appropriate response).

My home life is very busy with my children, their friends, pets and completing the daily challenge of trying to keep the fridge full enough to feed a teenage boy!

Untangled Spaghetti police background

My background in the police

My background in policing was specialising in domestic abuse, serious sexual assault, and child protection.

Basically, engaging with the most vulnerable individuals at their worst times. The most difficult areas of policing but also the most rewarding IMHO.

My last challenge prior to retirement was overseeing the roll out of new practice for Social Workers and Police Officers involved in interviewing children. This practice was based on trauma informed principals ensuring the interview process was as painless as possible for our children and young people.

I felt truly privileged to witness how meaningful change can positively impact those involved in it.

Untangled Spaghetti coaching credentials

My coaching credentials

Following my retirement, I felt compelled to continue to serve and help others.

I enrolled in and successfully completed The Transformational Coach training programme run by Mindful Talent Coaching Academy.

This gave me an accreditation of an Advanced Certificate in Coaching Practice. This is a high-level professional coaching qualification, accredited by the Association for Coaching.

This course presented new insights from contemporary neuroscience, a mindfulness approach and much more! On completion of my training, Untangled Spaghetti was created!!!!

I invest in my own continuous personal development by enrolling in online courses, attending seminars, and reading personal development books at an avid rate.

Untangled Spaghetti emotional health

Journey into emotional health

In 2005 we had a series of unfortunate events. Despite the huge stress we were under I kept going as though nothing was happening.

Until one day during a routine visit to the Health Visitor when she stated that she had some concern that my baby was not reaching her developmental milestones. I completely lost it in the surgery.

Arrangements were made for me to be seen by a doctor who diagnosed me with anxiety induced depression and signed me off work for a period.

So, my journey into the world of emotional health began. I learned about the negative patterns that I had been following without even knowing it and more importantly I learned how to choose a different path going forward. I learned how stress can affect my thought patterns and how to change my focus, thoughts, and reactions to events. And I got better.

Do I still have days when I struggle? Sometimes. But I can stop myself from going too far down that path and ending up back in the dark place. And that is what I do for my clients. I help them stop, untangle their spaghetti gaining clarity and choosing a different path, a better path which will lead them to where they want to be in life.

Untangled Spaghetti volunteering


Like all families we have had our share of ups and downs, but we are always there for one another when it matters most.

I know that not all families have this dynamic and wanted to help others who are not as fortunate.

I now volunteer and mentor at a local high school through a program called MCR pathways.

MCR Pathways is a national, award winning programme whose vision is that every care-experienced young person or those disadvantaged gets the same chances as every other young person.

I was matched with a pupil who was in their third year of high school. I am supporting them through their senior school journey helping them to move onto a positive outcome when they have completed their schooling.

It is the most rewarding part of my week, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in helping our young people.

Untangled Spaghetti why I do what I do

Why I do what I do

Over my police career, I mentored and coached members of my teams and co-workers and I knew that was what I wanted to do when I retired.

I wanted to help as many people as I could so that they could get back on track as soon as possible.

As I came to the end of my police service, several close colleagues sadly passed away. Several of these friends had not managed to get anywhere near their bucket list and had focussed on careers and family commitments never putting themselves first.

This reinforced my commitment to help people find the path to their best lives.

Not to wait. Not to have regrets. Live their best life and be the best version of themselves.

Make the change NOW.

Let’s untangle your spaghetti together!

Whether you’re raring to go or a little sceptical, we’d love to hear from you and discuss the value of adding life coaching to your life.

Get in touch
Lets untangle your spaghetti together